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7 Tricks and Tips to Safeguard your Passwords

It’s no secret that passwords have substantial value to cybercriminals. The importance of using secure, unique passwords is growing as you entrust enlarging amounts of personal information to organizations and businesses that can fall victim to data breaches and password leaks themselves. Although there may be little you can do to prevent a large-scale data breach, you can take the precaution of making sure you craft strong usernames and passwords for your online accounts. 

Follow these safety tricks and tips to be confident you are doing your part in creating password safety. 

  • Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) 

 Always enable MFA if available!  Passwords may not always be enough, but by adding an extra layer of security you reduce your risk of being hacked. By successfully presenting two or more pieces of confidential personal information to confirm your identity a hacker’s chance of unlocking your accounts drastically decreases.  

  • DO NOT connect to public WIFI 

We understand how simple it is to connect to your favorite coffee shop’s WiFi while you sip on your favorite drink. However, DO NOT connect to public WiFi whenever possible.  How many times are you the only one using that channel? Seldom…if ever. Connecting to public WIFI makes it easier for a hacker to position himself between you and the connection point. Also, unsecure connections can simplify distributing malware.  

  • Use strong/complex passwords 

Never use the word “password” in any of your passwords. Start using random phrases or combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols to create a strong dynamic password that will ensure to keep your sensitive information secure.  

  • Never use the same password on multiple sites 

If your password is compromised the hacker holds the skeleton key to all your information. Don’t make it easy for cybercriminals to claim “check-mate” on your credentials. Using multiple, intricate passwords will strengthen your control on how many sites a hacker can gain access to.   

  • DO NOT use autofill passwords in a web browser 

Various third-party advertising scripts—the ones that nearly every website out there uses—are starting to use autofill credentials to track you. They run in the background, create fake login and password boxes you can’t even see, and capture the credentials your password manager fills into them.  

  • Use longer passwords 

The more complex and challenging your password is the less likely it will be comprised. Try to use phrases, random letters, numbers and symbols. It is best to stay away from: names, birthdays, anniversaries , etc. Using a vast combination will keep you locked and secure. 

  • Use a password manager that you trust 

This added layer of security will give you the protection needed to keep your most sensitive information safe. Here are a few password manager examples that will solidify your sensitive information.